University of Amsterdam
Four Bachelor's and two Master's courses are in the running to win the Faculty of Humanities Education Award 2021. The jury chose the shortlist from 29 submissions. The award for the best course will be handed out on Thursday, 1 July, during a festive gathering. You will soon also be able to vote in the Audience Award.

Nominated courses:
- Rhetoric and writing (Bachelor's English Language and Culture) - Imogen Cohen
- Contemporary World Literature - (Bachelor's English Language and Culture) - Emelia Quinn
- Critical theories (Master's Filosofie) - Daniel Loick
- Ken je Plaats: Wereldbeeld, Identiteit, en Conflict, 1550 tot 1650 - (Bachelor's Geschiedenis) - Djoeke van Netten and Jonas van Tol
- Biophilia - (Bachelor's Kunstgeschiedenis) - Erik de Jong
- De militaire revolutie. Oorlog en samenleving in de vroegmoderne tijd - (Master's Militaire Geschiedenis) - Jonas van Tol
Audience Award
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