Six Punters Bag $5M Saturday Lotto Windfall

Six fortunate punters struck gold in Saturday's Lotto draw number 4479 tonight, each securing a big slice from the $5 million Division One prize pool.

The draw, held on June 22, 2024, distributed a total prize pool of $16,670,918.64 among winners across various divisions.

The winning sequence for the night was 37, 22, 2, 35, 38, and 40, with supplementary numbers 9 and 44 adding excitement to the mix.

According to the preliminary division calculations, all six winning entries were sold in Victoria and Western Australia.  While we don't know their identities, one thing is for certain - their lives have undoubtedly been transformed.

In addition to the top prize winners, the lottery saw a significant number of smaller winners:

  • Division 2: Fifty-two winners celebrated with $11,862 each.
  • Division 3: Eight hundred nineteen winners received $1,139.90 each.
  • Division 4: A whopping 45,885 participants won $30.15 each.
  • Division 5: 115,493 winners took home $18.75 each.
  • Division 6: The largest group, with 674,587 winners, received $9.75 each.

Congratulations to all the winners, especially the new near millionaires. For a complete list of prize winners and amounts, please see the table below:

DivDivision PrizeDivision Prize PoolWinners





