Six Take Oz Lotto Div 2 As Jackpot Balloons

Tuesday's Oz Lotto draw 1584 left jackpot hopefuls empty-handed tonight, propelling the grand prize to $20 million for the next draw.

While there's no new Oz Lotto multi-millionaire tonight, many punters are celebrating small wins totalling $7 million in lower divisions.

Here's a glimpse at the prize breakdown for Divisions 2 to 7:

  • Division 2 saw six fortunate winners each claim $43,007.70 from a pool of $258,046.20.
  • Division 3 rewarded 47 participants with $6,488.60 each, totaling $304,964.20.
  • Division 4 paid out $418.90 to 560 winners, adding up to $234,584.00.
  • Division 5 distributed $55.05 each to 3,408 ticket holders, amounting to $187,610.40.
  • Division 6 was particularly large, with 85,435 individuals winning $27.20 each, totaling $2,323,832.00.
  • Division 7 had the highest number of winners, with 235,830 people receiving $15.80 each, leading to a grand total of $3,726,114.00.

Congratulations to all the Oz Lotto winners tonight!

Drawn Numbers in draw 1584 on Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Winning Numbers (drawn order) [40] [12] [31] [9] [2] [38] [14]

Supplementary Numbers (drawn order) [4] [8] [15]

Division One Prize Pool $15,000,000.00

Total Prize Pool $22,037,626.73

DivDivision PrizeDivision Prize PoolWinners

Jackpotted to draw 15850





