Slim Dusty Triumphs at Macleay Valley Business Awards

Kempsey Shire Council

Kempsey Shire Council is beaming with pride following its outstanding success at the 2024 Macleay Valley Business Awards, held on Saturday 22 June, at the South West Rocks Country Club.

The annual event, attended by hundreds of locals, celebrates the best and brightest in regional business, with Council's own Director Utilities Wes Trotter raising a toast to the Macleay, highlighting the region's thriving entrepreneurial spirit.

With around 100 nominees, the awards were highly competitive, and winners were carefully selected by an independent panel of judges.

Council proudly entered the Excellence in Professional Services (more than 20 employees) category and the Slim Dusty Centre in the Outstanding Visitor Experience category. On the night, they really had something to sing about when the Slim Dusty Centre emerged victorious, taking home the prestigious Outstanding Visitor Experience award, a NSW Chamber Aligned Award.

This accolade recognises a business that not only excels in visitor engagement but also promotes the region's economy and reputation. It serves as recognition of the Slim Dusty Centre as a vibrant hub that attracts and engages visitors, standing out in the industry with its unique offerings. As a beacon for tourists, the centre is home to the Slim Dusty Museum, which showcases the legendary artist's career and his deep connection to the Macleay Valley.

Visitors are captivated by personal displays, including Slim and Joy's iconic car Old Purple, gold and platinum records, and Slim's famous Akubra hat collection. These exhibits offer a rare and intimate glimpse into the enduring legacy of Slim Dusty. Adding to its allure is the Nulla Nulla Gallery, which brings high-calibre art and cultural events to the region, hosting prestigious exhibitions that are typically seen in larger cities.

The Slim Dusty Centre also caters to environmentally-conscious travellers as an EV charging destination, and serves as a visitor information centre with knowledgeable staff ready to guide guests to popular attractions and hidden gems. Its versatility extends to venue hire, making it a sought-after location for both cultural and corporate events, such as the recent Country Mayors Association conference.

This win at the Macleay Valley Business Awards not only celebrates the Slim Dusty Centre's excellence but also positions it for further recognition at the 2024 Mid North Coast Business Awards.

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