The Small Business Bus is visiting Kinglake and Marysville and is focusing on health and wellbeing support for business owners.
Health and wellbeing coaches will be available to offer free 45-minute tailored sessions from 10.00 am - 4.00 pm on the following days:
- Wednesday 3 May 2023
- The SBB will be set up in front of the Kinglake Village development (see map below)

- Thursday 11 May 2023
- Fragas Cafe, 23 Murchison Street, Marysville
Health and wellbeing advisors can help support you to find solutions to mental health and wellbeing concerns during your confidential 1:1 session. They will also able to provide referrals to financial counselling and business advice.
No bookings required. Walk ups welcome on the day.
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