Smart Ticketing Delivered Across South East Queensland

Minister for Transport and Main Roads The Honourable Brent Mickelberg

Smart Ticketing delivered across South East Queensland

  • Smart Ticketing rollout delivered across South East Queensland public transport, including the full activation of Brisbane City Council buses.
  • Travellers can use a credit card, debit card, smartphone, smartwatch or Go Card to pay for the LNP's Permanent 50 Cent Fares across the Translink network.
  • Crisafulli Government delivers after years of Labor delays and mismanagement.

The Crisafulli Government has completed the rollout of Smart Ticketing across South East Queensland, with commuters finally able to use a range of payment options to catch public transport.

Brisbane City Council's fleet of around 1300 buses is the latest to join the Smart Ticketing revolution, the last of 18 operators across South East Queensland to offer the new payment method.

The activation means travellers catching a local bus, train, tram or ferry across the South East can use their credit card, debit card, smartphone or smartwatch to pay for the LNP's Permanent 50 Cent Fairs across the Translink network.

Commuters can continue to use their Go Cards. A new card will also be developed for the Smart Ticketing system.

The rollout was delayed two years and suffered a $60 million cost blowout under Labor.

More than 25 per cent of customers on activated services are now using the Smart Ticketing technology, a figure expected to increase.

Minister for Transport and Main Roads Brent Mickelberg said the Crisafulli Government was able to finalise the Smart Ticketing rollout after Labor's delays.

"Labor's era of delays and blowouts is finally over for Smart Ticketing in South East Queensland, giving commuters more options when they catch public transport," Minister Mickelberg said.

"People can use a debit card, credit card, smartphone or smartwatch to pay for their public transport anywhere in South East Queensland, now that it is in place across Brisbane City Council's bus fleet.

"People can still use their Go Card to tap on and off if they wish, until a new reloadable card is developed for the system.

"The Smart Ticketing rollout makes public transport even more accessible to customers who are already enjoying being able to travel with the LNP's permanent 50 cent fares."

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