MidCoast Council will open Smiths Lake on Wednesday 5 June as lake levels rise and the trigger level for opening approaches.
A multi-agency effort is occurring this week with officers monitoring the lake and advising users of the upcoming opening.
"We recommend boaties remove their boats from the lake to avoid stranding. Boat ramps will close on Tuesday afternoon," said Council's Manager of Natural Systems, Gerard Tuckerman.
"During the opening we will restrict boat access to the lake. Only authorised officers will have access to Sandbar Beach. Public access to the beach is limited for safety reasons."
The water can exit the lake with considerable force, creating dangerous currents and unstable conditions on the Beach. It's advisable to stay away from the lake and beach for 36 hours after the opening.
Council has a policy to mechanically open the lake when it approaches 2.1 metres above sea level. This action is part of the Coastal Zone Management Plan for Smiths Lake. The opening level takes into account environmental outcomes and prevents minor flooding of property and roads.
"We've consulted key stakeholders, including local fishers, in reaching the decision to open the lake on Wednesday," said Mr Tuckerman.
Timing is important to take advantage of the favourable tides and ensure an effective opening.
You can keep an eye on Smiths Lake water levels with real time data on the NSW Government website https://mhl.nsw.gov.au/Site-209465.