Smoother Road Trips Ahead On Tasmania's East Coast

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

The Tasman Highway's Great Eastern Drive is set for further upgrades that will improve safety and traffic flow along the State's East Coast.

The Australian and Tasmanian Governments are jointly delivering these improvements to the Tasman Highway, which will include junction upgrades, road widening and additional overtaking lanes. The works will be undertaken in three separate packages.

The Australian Government has committed $100 million towards this project, which is delivering on the $540 million election commitment to upgrade key road corridors in Tasmania. The Tasmanian Government is also investing $25 million towards the project.

The first package of works, known as the Apsley package, started in February 2025 and will deliver upgrades to the section of Tasman highway between Bicheno and Coles Bay Road.

The upgrades will add the east coast's first Hobart-bound overtaking lane, and deliver vital safety improvements through road widening and realignment to several corners of the highway with high crash rates.

The Triabunna package includes upgrades on a 1.3-kilometre section of the highway to the north of Triabunna. Designs for this project will be finalised in May 2025, with construction expected to start later this year.

The Lisdillon package will upgrade a 13-kilometre section of the highway between Pontypool and Rocky Hills and is in early planning stages.

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