Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy
students recently took the opportunity to share their enhanced curriculum development with Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., during a visit at Maxwell Air Force Base's Gunter Annex.
The enhanced curriculum focuses on integrated deterrence and aims to take a more strategic approach to developing senior NCOs by aligning it with foundational competencies. The academy is currently in a 90-day sprint to assess its current program.
"We are taking a national security-first approach during this sprint to identify the educational and developmental gaps that our senior enlisted leaders and staff need to maintain the competitive advantage," said Chief Master Sgt. Dan Hoglund, AFSNCOA commandant. "Ensuring our Airmen are operationally trained and developed is integral to remaining a lethal and ready force."
The new curriculum will focus on topics like geopolitics, military operations, airpower, leadership, and innovation, with an emphasis on the national security strategy for an overall warfighter and military focused program.
In his inaugural visit to the SNCOA, Brown took the opportunity to speak on priorities and roles he envisions of senior enlisted leaders.
"It is really about team building," Brown said. "It's the aspect of looking at the challenges, and then having a sense of urgency and seeing how we can break those barriers to move things forward."