Social Housing Set To Be Delivered As Promised

New social housing will be delivered as promised and formerly unusable council land freed up for other uses after Council last week approved "a once-in-a-generation opportunity" for Noosa Shire.
A subdivision at 62 Lake Macdonald Drive in Cooroy will include an architect-designed 25-unit social housing project, representing a significant investment by community housing provider Coast2Bay and a key action of the Noosa Housing Strategy.
Mayor Frank Wilkie said the decision will help address the housing crisis and improve the value of, and opportunities for, the remaining 11,000 square metres of the former landfill site.
"While women and children are sleeping in cars in Noosa, we will be playing our part in finding solutions, as promised," Cr Wilkie said.
"This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for our shire - it's the biggest single investment in social housing in this shire and a clear commitment to helping deliver affordable housing for those in most need."
Council will fully remediate the whole site, which was a former night soil, landfill, and bottle disposal site from the 1950s and 60s, plus the remaining parcel of land, subject to securing a loan or grant funding.
"The site needs to be thoroughly remediated before any civil works or housing construction can begin," Cr Wilkie said.
"We're acting on our social and environmental responsibility by immediately removing contaminants from this site, so its true value and use to the community can be fully realised.
"We'll be asking the community what may be done with the remaining 11,000 square metres of land, which could include open space, cultural heritage projects, housing, and other community purposes."
"Responding to feedback from neighbouring residents, the revised layout includes a vegetated buffer that was doubled in size to 10-metres wide and an extra 2500 square metres of open space.
"Focused planning has the potential to make this a signature project in Queensland and a local response to the widening inequality gap we're seeing across the country."
Coast2Bay will need to lodge a Development Application for approval, providing the community with an opportunity to review the proposal prior to any formal construction.
"We have an MoU with Coast2Bay, signed in 2022 and they are a key member of our Housing Stakeholder Reference Group, so this decision fulfils a key action from our Housing Strategy, to facilitate the rollout of new social and low-cost housing for our community."
"These are difficult, challenging decisions and I'm proud that this council showed the courage to take action as promised under the housing strategy," Cr Wilkie said.
"It's clear that tackling housing affordability and homelessness requires collaboration between industry, all levels of government and the community."
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