Social psychologist to address building community resilience

The University of New Mexico's Regional Studies Tribal/Community College Research Scholar Program will host Asa B. Stone in May to speak about Building Community Resilience: A Case Study of the Land-Based Partnership Between Native American Community Academy and the UNM Resilience Institute.


Asa B. Stone

The presentation is Thursday, May 5, at 2 p.m. in the Frank Waters Room in Zimmerman Library. This presentation will also be available on Zoom.

Stone will examine what learning could look like when centered on community resilience and wellbeing. Grounded on principles of social ecological resilience and community engaged research, environmental justice scholar, Stone explores the role of education as a restorative practice through a case study of an ongoing community-driven project with the Native American Community Academy and the UNM Resilience Institute.

Stone is a faculty member of the School of Communication, Humanities, and Social Sciences at Central New Mexico Community College. They are also affiliate faculty at the UNM Resilience Institute and UNM Geography and Environmental Science. A social psychologist with a professional mission to elevate the appreciation for human capacity through science, education, and advocacy, Stone researches the intersection of climate and social justice as an affiliate faculty of the Resilience Institute and the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of New Mexico, including impacts of climate change on lambic production and cultural heritage.

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