Forestry Minister Dave Kelly today announced the Forest Products Commission (FPC) 2021 softwood planting season had commenced in the State's South-West.
FPC's softwood planting program will see 560,000 pinus radiata seedlings planted on State land between Margaret River and the Perth Hills.
Expanding the softwood estate will help ensure resource security for the Western Australian building and timber industries into the future.
This year Woolkabunning Kiaka Aboriginal Corporation (WKAC) was awarded a tender to plant 167 hectares of softwood seedlings.
WKAC is a business and social incubator operating at Roelands Village, a community managed by former residents, or children of residents, of the former Roelands Mission.
The contract with WKAC is part of the organisation's successful Respect Program, an action-based approach that teaches employment skills and engages Aboriginal people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
As stated by Forestry Minister Dave Kelly:
"The McGowan Government is committed to ensuring we have a strong, sustainable softwood timber industry here in WA.
"Since being elected in 2017, the McGowan Government has invested over $25 million expanding WA's softwood estate.
"The McGowan Government is also committed to implementing actions that support Aboriginal economic development and creating opportunities for greater Aboriginal involvement in the timber industry supply chain."