Soldier's Mountain Ascent

Department of Defence

It wasn't all fun and games at this year's Cannonball Festival in Thredbo, but for Private Jarrod Hughes, it was a world-class experience.

He competed in the professional category against some of the best Australian mountain bike riders, from February 10-15.

"The competition was tough because the guys I raced against were world-class riders who race in that division for a job," he said.

Private Hughes finished in the back third of the pack, but loved the experience.

"The whole week [is] sort of a massive high. But the ability to go out and ride with mates is great," he said.

More than 750 competitors participated in events that included all-mountain enduro, flow motion cup, dual slalom, pump track challenge and the Australian open downhill.

The all-mountain race was a timed event with three stages, the flow was a single timed run.

Dual slalom involved two riders racing head-to-head down a grassy slope; the flow involved pumping bikes through rollers and berms without pedalling.

But the highlight of the festival was the open downhill, featuring high-speed sections, technical rock gardens and large jumps.

It's considered one of the most exciting downhill races in Australia.

Although rain and wind disrupted the final day's downhill event, Private Hughes managed to stay focused.

"When you're in the air, wind can have a massive effect on how the bikes move," he said.

"It can really throw you off and you can have a big crash, it definitely has an effect."

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