Sort And Save: Smarter Way To Dispose Of Waste

Cairns residents can save time and money when visiting Council's transfer stations by simply sorting their waste before leaving home.

The Sort and Save campaign highlights how a little extra effort in pre-sorting can lead to cost savings by ensuring that free drop-off items are clearly visible and separated from chargeable waste.

Council is encouraging households to take advantage of the many free drop-off options available at transfer stations, including for e-waste, batteries, white goods, and paint.

By clearly separating these materials from general waste, residents can help staff identify what is free, reducing unnecessary fees and making waste disposal more efficient.

How to Sort your load

To ensure a quick and hassle-free visit, residents are encouraged to:

  • Group household recyclables together
  • Flatten large cardboard boxes
  • Keep bricks and rubble separate
  • Separate timber, metals, electronic waste, and green waste.

By taking a sort-first approach, residents not only save money but also help increase recycling rates and reduce landfill waste, contributing to a cleaner, greener Cairns.

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