There are three new cases of COVID-19 today. There have been a total of 914 cases notified in South Australia.
The first case is a woman in her 30s who arrived from overseas and has been in a medi-hotel since her arrival. The second case, who was announced late yesterday, is a man in his 40s who is the co-driver of the truck driver reported on Saturday.
The third case is a woman in her 30s, who is a miner and fly-in-fly-out worker. She arrived at Adelaide Airport from Melbourne last night on flight JQ778 and was tested at the airport before going to a medi-hotel to isolate. She will be transferred to Tom's Court today. The three public exposure sites identified so far include:
TIER1 Exposure Site: Jetstar Flight JQ778 (Passengers and Crew) Melbourne Victoriato Adelaide SA
- Sunday 10 October 2021 4.00 pm to 5:50 pm
TIER 4 Exposure Site: Adelaide Airport, 1 James Schofield Drive, AdelaideAirport SA 5950
- Sunday 10 October 2021 approximately 5:30 pm to 6:20 pm (exact time TBC)
TIER1 Exposure Site: Quest King William South (Reception Only), 379 King WilliamStreet, Adelaide SA 5000
- Sunday 10 October 2021 6:15 pm to 7.00 pm