Southwest Probed for Potential Employment Land

Council has adopted Amendment C468ggee , which identifies 170 hectares of land in Geelong's south-west as a site that could be developed to meet our region's growing employment land needs.

The City can now undertake work to determine the potential of the South-West Geelong Investigation Area (SWGIA), which covers the former Boral quarry at Waurn Ponds and the Western Industrial Precinct in Mount Duneed, for employment-related land uses. This further work is needed before any rezoning of the land can be entertained.

The amendment introduces local policy, strategic directions and other clauses to the planning scheme. Subject to further work, this will allow for the delivery of a diverse range of industrial lot sizes including sites for large scale manufacturing operations, and the potential for surplus land to be used for housing and tourism uses.

During exhibition of Amendment C468ggee in September and October 2024, nine submissions were received. Five accepted the amendment while four government agency submissions provided comments.

After considering the community feedback, the City made minor changes and updates to the amendment.

Deputy Mayor Ron Nelson

The adoption of Amendment C468ggee contributes to the region avoiding a shortage of employment land in the south-west.

The South-West Geelong Investigation Area prioritises further examination of 170 hectares of land that would help to ensure the supply of employment land up to 2051.

It's vital for our growing communities to have access to employment close to where they live.

Councillor Andrew Katos

Managing the distribution of land and meeting industry needs are key to catering for an expanding population and supporting the local economy.

Amendment C468ggee is in line with recommendations from the South-West Employment Land Review, commissioned as part of work in the wake of Council's Settlement Strategy.

The amendment is in line with strategic priorities in Our Community Plan and the community's clever and creative aspirations by facilitating sustainable development that supports population growth.

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