SPA Champions NSW Abortion Reform Bill

Sustainable Population Australia

The NSW branch of Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) says a Bill introduced to NSW Parliament by Greens Dr Amanda Cohen to remove remaining barriers to abortion deserves the support of all parties.

SPA NSW president Jenny Goldie says that, while abortion was decriminalised five years ago, women are still being denied access, particularly in rural and regional areas.

"Many doctors in the Riverina, in particular, object to abortion and not only refuse to provide the service but also fail to refer patients to places where they can obtain one," says Ms Goldie.

"The Bill would require health practitioners with a conscientious objection to refer a patient to an abortion provider. It would require local health districts to ensure accessibility of abortion services.

"It would also allow nurse practitioners and endorsed midwives to prescribe medical abortion (mifepristone and misoprostol), as recommended by the Therapeutic Goods Administration [TGA].

"And the Bill would remove onerous and bureaucratic mandatory reporting requirements for health professionals."

Ms Goldie says women everywhere have a right to a full range of reproductive services no matter where they live.

"This includes a full choice of contraceptive methods. If they have those, then abortion will only be necessary on rare occasions," she says.

"AMA NSW and Family Planning Australia have developed a model to embed abortion within existing pregnancy services and link public hospitals with GPs, private clinics and other community-based providers.

"This model must be fully funded and integrated by the NSW government across the state," says Ms Goldie.

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