Spanish Team Inspects Guinea-Bissau WFP Nutrition Project Impact

BISSAU - A high-level delegation from the Government of the Kingdom of Spain today concluded a two-day visit to Guinea-Bissau to assess progress on a US$ 6.7 million nutrition project funded by the Spanish debt-swap agreement with the Government of Guinea-Bissau and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

BISSAU - A high-level delegation from the Government of the Kingdom of Spain today concluded a two-day visit to Guinea-Bissau to assess progress on a US$ 6.7 million nutrition project funded by the Spanish debt-swap agreement with the Government of Guinea-Bissau and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

Led by the Spanish Ambassador to Guinea-Bissau, Antonio González-Zavala Peña, the delegation included officials from Spain's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business, and the diplomatic representation of Spain in Dakar. They visited four health centers in the Oio region which has the highest prevalence of stunting in the country (36.8 percent) and a high prevalence of acute malnutrition (6.8 percent) in children under five.

"The current debt swap programme and the use of its funds, as well as the presence in Bissau of this important delegation of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of the Kingdom of Spain, are just another proof of our firm commitment to the fight against malnutrition and the eradication of the most harmful consequences of poverty among children," said Antonio González-Zavala Peña, Spanish Ambassador to Guinea-Bissau.

"We maintain our commitment to the brotherly people of Guinea-Bissau. We have to keep working together so that we can win the fight against malnutrition", he added.

During the visit, the Spanish delegation also met with the Bissau-Guinean Ministers of Public Health, and Finance, as well as other stakeholders involved in the project design and implementation.

The Government of Spain agreed to release Guinea-Bissau from its US$ 12 million debt on the condition that Guinea-Bissau invest US$ 6.7 million to support WFP in the fight against malnutrition.

"Currently, through this programme, we are addressing various nutrition and food security issues, providing support to those in need, particularly children. Many families are unable to afford proper nourishment for their children, and this programme has played a crucial role in saving the lives of these children", said Domingos Malu, Minister of Public Health.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, since 2022 WFP has been implementing a nutrition project to prevent acute malnutrition in women, children, and people living with HIV/Tuberculosis. WFP also provides prenatal care through the National Nutrition Rehabilitation Programme.

"WFP is grateful for the support of the Kingdom of Spain and the leadership of the Government of Guinea Bissau in bringing this project to life to support good nutrition for the most vulnerable people," said Claude Kakule, WFP's Representative and Country Director in Guinea-Bissau.

"Together, we can be more efficient in making impactful changes in people's lives through helping children to access nutritious and healthy food, education and awareness raising on good nutrition and the best feeding practices including diet diversification, healthy eating, to pave the way to a healthier future for women and children of Guinea-Bissau," Kakule added.

In 2023, WFP-supported malnutrition prevention and treatment programme reached 32,741 people, including 31,843 children and 607 women.

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