Special Species Investment Secures Industry's Future

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Government is investing to further support the future of the Tasmania's iconic special species timber industry announcing $100,000 for a market assessment of special species timbers and $50,000 to scope sustainable salvage options for Huon Pine, including through heli-harvesting.

Minister for Business, Industry and Resources, Eric Abetz, said today's announcement reaffirmed the Government's commitment to the sustainable management of these valuable timbers.

"Our special species timbers – like Huon Pine – are cultural icons here in Tasmania," Minister Abetz said.

"This couldn't be emphasised further than by the Wooden Boat Festival, a proud exhibition of our maritime history, that was pioneered because of Tasmania's special species timber.

"We recognise not only the cultural and economic significance of Tasmania's special species timbers, but that they sought after worldwide for their unique aesthetic and structural qualities.

"These initiatives will provide information to support the future health and growth of the special species timbers industry, ensuring we can continue to sustainably harvest these timbers.

"Our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future will always back in jobs, back our economy and back regional communities – today's announcement ticks all of the boxes.

"There is no doubt buyers are continuing to seek out unique Tasmanian timber products, which are beautifully crafted by our local boat builders, furniture makers and other craftspeople – exemplified by the ongoing restoration of Tasmania's iconic Little Blue Boat after it was damaged by storms in August last year.

"I would like to acknowledge the efforts of the Wooden Boat Centre at Franklin and Sustainable Timber Tasmania – who sourced the local Celery top pine – to restore the Little Blue Boat in time for its first public appearance at the Wooden Boat Festival."

The Tasmanian Government will engage with the Special Species Working Group to review the Demand Analysis Report for species such as such as Blackwood, Sassafras, Celery Top Pine, Myrtle, and Huon Pine, and determine the next steps, including the delivery of the Huon Pine salvage scoping study.

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