Sarah Courtney,Minister for Education
The Tasmanian Government welcomes the University Of Tasmania's announcement that it will offer a Master of Speech Pathology from mid-2022 in Tasmania.
The new postgraduate course is part of the University's Allied Health Expansion Program, which is a collaboration between the Department of Health, the Department of Education and Tasmania's allied health sector.
Recruitment of speech pathologists remains a challenge at both a national and state level, and this new speech pathology qualification will help address these challenges.
The Tasmanian Government recognises that Speech and Language Pathologists play an important role in the early identification and management of communication and literacy challenges for students.
That's why we are investing $3.82 million over four years to provide free access to speech and language pathologists, school psychologists and social workers for both existing Child and Family Centres and new centres being constructed.
We will continue to engage with UTAS on this exciting development.