Spirits, Debt, Privatization: No Celebration

Tas Labor

The first year of this Rockliff minority Government will be remembered for three things.

The biggest infrastructure stuff-up in Tasmania's history, record debt and deficit bankrupting the state, and a disastrous plan to sell off state-owned assets to pay it down.

Today the Liberals once again talked about their "plan" for the state, but what Tasmanians want to see is action.

Jeremy Rockliff's Spirits fiasco, budget disaster and desperate plan to sell off assets has led to Tasmanians leaving the state in droves, with thousands of jobs being lost in a mismanaged economy.

After 11 years of the Liberals Tasmania needs change, not a government that pats itself on the back for continuing to fail to deliver.

Luke Edmunds MLC

Shadow Minister for Finance

Member for Pembroke

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