Image: Muddy grounds at Taree Regional Recreation Centre
Council is working with local clubs to keep the sports season on track, following ongoing wet weather.
"I can't remember a time when the grounds have been this soggy for so long," said Council's Manager of Open Spaces and Recreation, Liam Bulley.
A number of backup fields have been secured, including Coolongolook Rugby League Ground and Coopernook Oval, to ensure the season can continue. North Tuncurry Regional Sports Complex is being used by various rugby league clubs as a home game substitute.
Meanwhile, some parks, school facilities and tennis courts are available for use.
MidCoast Council is also working with schools to reschedule events or change venues, where school sports or athletics carnivals have been impacted by ground closures.
"We know how important sport is to the community and we appreciate how patient everyone is being, especially considering recent seasons have also been impacted by drought, bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic," said Mr Bulley.
"A big thank you to all the volunteers who have helped us manage the grounds under these extra wet conditions."
The grounds are being monitored and, when dry enough, regular maintenance will get back on track.