The funding pledge was made by Sussan Ley MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Tim Wilson, Liberal candidate for Goldstein.
The funding will contribute to facility upgrades at the ovals in Sandringham and Brighton.
Council has committed to a $8 million upgraded pavilion at Brighton Beach Oval and planning is already underway.
Bayside Mayor Cr Hanna El Mouallem welcomed the announcement. "A contribution from a future Coalition Australian Government will help us provide improved facilities for our active community," Cr El Mouallem said.
"The federal funding will allow us to divert some of the funds earmarked for Brighton Beach Oval Pavilion into other important projects and services. This will help to take the pressure off ratepayers in a cost-of-living crisis." Cr El Mouallem said.
"We look forward to working with the Sandringham Zebras to secure further funding for the upgrade at Trevor Barker Oval for gender neutral facilities to encourage greater participation in football at all levels."

Bayside Mayor, Cr Hanna El Mouallem (third from left) was joined by Sussan Ley MP, Tim Wilson Candidate for Goldstein and members of the Old Brighton Grammarians Football Club at the funding announcement at Brighton Beach Oval.