For the next three months a section of Carlyle Street at Byron Bay will be busy but not with traffic.
This month Council started a $1.6 million upgrade of a section of Carlyle Street between Massinger and Tennyson Streets.
This part of the road is closed to all traffic, residents excepted, to allow for:
• Parking improvements on both sides of the street
• A new shared path
• A road refuge to make crossing the road safer
• Stormwater improvements
• Replacement of the water main
• Landscaping including new infiltration gardens and garden beds.
• New bench seats, bike racks and drinking water fountain.
Phil Holloway, Director Infrastructure Services, said the aim of the project is to improve safety for pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists.
"In recent years we upgraded Tennyson Street, and this is the next stage of a long-term project to make this part of Byron Bay a lot more pedestrian and cyclist-friendly," Mr Holloway said.
"It's a very busy part of town, with two schools, a church, and the sports fields and on any day of the week there can be a lot of people around so improving parking on this section of Carlyle Street is a key part of this project," he said.
The parking spaces on the Rec Grounds' frontage will be sealed, marked and will be nose-in.
On the opposite side of the street, outside private properties, horizontal parking will be installed.
Work is expected to be finished by mid-November.
Information on the Carlyle Street upgrade is on Council's website.