Stabbing At Cober Pedy

Police have arrested a man following a stabbing at Cober Pedy.

About 5.45pm on Tuesday 14 May police were called to Hutchinson Street to reports a man had been stabbed.

When police arrived, they located a 46-year-old man from Indulkna with a stab wound to his chest. He was taken to hospital where sadly he later died.

Police were quickly on scene and arrested a 47-year-old man from Cober Pedy nearby.

He is expected to be charged later tonight.

He will appear before the Cober Pedy Magistrates Court tomorrow, (Wednesday 15 May).

Major Crime Detectives will fly from Adelaide to Cober Pedy tomorrow morning.

No other suspects are being sought at this time, with both parties known to each other.

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