The final stage of works to remove the remaining illegally dumped waste at Broderick Road, Lara, has begun.
Approximately 290,000 cubic metres of material remains onsite, spread across four main stockpiles.
More than 50,000 cubic metres of timber and contaminated soil was removed from the site from September 2019 to April 2020.
EPA Broderick Road Clean Up Project Manager Carl Gray said between now and September 2020 EPA plans to have a further 30,000 cubic metres of pre-sorted materials removed from the two smaller stockpiles.
Work is also under way on the larger stockpiles; during July and August about 25,000 cubic metres of rock, brick, concrete and soil will be sorted and removed from one, and from September, works will focus on removal of the remainder of both larger stockpiles.
"A new 36m by 30m enclosure will be constructed on site, which will be used for sorting materials taken from the two larger stockpiles," Mr Gray said.
"About 50% of the materials will be recycled, including timber, concrete/bricks/rock, tyres and steel/metal. The remaining waste will be transported offsite to licensed landfills," he said.
"The all-weather enclosure will prevent dust from the sorting process impacting neighbouring businesses."
Mr Gray said sorting and removal of the two large stockpiles was a huge task, expected to take up to two years to complete.
"EPA is working with the principal contractor Ausdecom to ensure this work is carried out safely and with minimal impact to neighbouring businesses, the community and the environment," he said.
"A Health, Safety and Environment Management Plan is in place to protect the community and the environment.
"This plan incorporates controls to eliminate or reduce offsite impacts, including noise, dust and traffic."
Mr Gray said a Fire Management Plan, Emergency Response Plan and site security were also in place.
The Health, Safety and Environment Management Plan's controls include:
• Air quality monitoring during all removal works.
• Water cannons/misting to wet the face of the piles during removal works.
• Removal of materials in covered trucks, via a wheel wash system.
• A drainage system to capture, treat and store any excess water run-off.
• A traffic management offsite impact assessment conducted prior to removal works. Pre-determined transport routes have been designed to avoid vehicles driving through residential or high-use areas that may impact the community.
• A baseline noise assessment has been conducted. The contractor will conduct further noise assessments throughout the duration of the project.
• An independent, expert occupational hygienist is onsite to supervise any removal works, including additional air monitoring for any possible asbestos fibres.
• An independent environmental consultant to provide oversight of controls, sampling and waste categorisation.
• An independent fire engineer to provide oversight related to fire and emergency management.