State Backs Small Biz After Western Vic Bushfires

In an assistance package designed to support immediate and long-term recovery from the Grampians - Yarram Gap Road bushfire event, the State Government has announced that Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) will deliver more than $24 million in essential support to Western Victoria businesses affected by the December 2024 bushfires.

The measures will include a dedicated Business Bushfire Recovery Grant program (a $5,000 payment to eligible businesses and primary producers), a Business Recovery Advisory service providing free business support for impacted businesses, and more tourism marketing and promotional activities to boost visitor numbers to the Grampians region.

More than $5 million is earmarked for an early environmental recovery package for lands and waterways within Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park, and a Gate Fee Rebate Program will ensure community members can dispose of waste from private properties relating to the impact of the bushfires free of charge (available in Horsham Rural City, Ararat Rural City, Northern Grampians Shire and Southern Grampians Shire).

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