Ottawa, March 8, 2022-The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, issued the following statement:
"As Canada marks this year's International Women's Day 2023 and its theme, Every Woman Counts, we are reminded that all women, from all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life, have a place in every aspect of Canadian society. I am dedicated to supporting the full and equal participation of all women and girls in Canadian society, especially newcomer women who have made and continue to make invaluable contributions to our country.
"Women often face multiple barriers to finding work and getting ahead in Canada. This includes gender- and race-based discrimination, precarious or low-income employment, lack of affordable childcare and weak social supports. That's why we've dedicated $15 million over the last 2 years to extending the Racialized Newcomer Women Pilot to make it easier for racialized newcomer women to find a job by providing the support and services they need to succeed.
"I am also proud of the funding provided to more than 570 service provider organizations in communities across Canada to deliver settlement services to newcomers, of which more than half are women. Women-only language classes and support groups are in place and provide a safe and open space for newcomer women, in addition to services such as childcare, translation, interpretation, transportation and supports for persons with disabilities. These services are vital to helping these women build a new life in Canada, often while they continue to advocate for the rights of vulnerable women and girls around the world.