Statement From CEO - Dale Dickson PSM

I refer to today's page 5 article in the Herald Sun which implies that incomplete personal interest disclosures had been made by Stonnington Mayor, Cr Melina Sehr, in 2024.

For the record, I wish to confirm that Councillor Sehr's personal interest disclosures in 2024 were properly made, however, due to an administrative error her declarations were not properly transcribed to the publicly available version published on Council's website.

As Council CEO, I take full responsibility for this error, and apologise unreservedly to Cr Sehr.

I also note the comments attributed to Mr Dean Hurlston, in the same article, which characterise Cr Sehr's day job as 'double dipping'. It is time to call out the hypocrisy of such a statement. Cr Sehr is performing her Mayoral duties whilst also earning an income, which is the reality for many Mayors, including her immediate predecessor.

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