Statement From Dean Winter 14 May 2024

Tas Labor

On behalf of Tasmanian Labor I congratulate Michelle O'Byrne for being chosen by the parliament to become Speaker.

Michelle's knowledge of parliamentary processes is unrivalled among Tasmanian MPs. Michelle was the best person for the job - that's why we nominated her.

We know Michelle will be fearlessly fair as Speaker. That is a good thing.

Throughout her career she has demonstrated a commitment to upholding the highest standards of accountability and transparency and I am certain she will make a terrific Speaker.

Ms O'Byrne's shadow portfolios will be distributed accordingly:

  • Sarah Lovell will become Shadow Minister for Children and Youth.
  • Ella Haddad will become Shadow Minister for Community Services.
  • Jen Butler will become Shadow Minister for Women.
  • Meg Brown will become Shadow Minister for Heritage & Arts.

The Economic Development shadow portfolio will be brought under Anita Dow as Shadow Minister for Industry and Regional Development.

Dean Winter MP

Labor Leader

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