Statement From Joel Drysdale

Liberal Party Victoria
I'm deeply disappointed to let you know that I have decided to withdraw as the Liberal Party's candidate for Scullin.
My mother is a French citizen, so last year I applied to renounce any claims to French citizenship in the usual way.
The French Embassy advises that they have no record of my citizenship, and therefore have no grounds to process my application for renunciation of citizenship.
Despite this advice from the Embassy, I understand that I may still be entitled to French citizenship – therefore, for the avoidance of doubt, I have chosen to not nominate as a candidate for Scullin.
I express thanks to my family, friends and the local Party members and volunteers in Scullin who supported my campaign, and wish the Liberal Party well in the upcoming Federal election, which we are working hard to win so we can get Australia back on track.
I will be continuing to campaign in Scullin, and look forward to assisting the new candidate when they are selected.
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