Statement From Minister For Education Regarding NAPLAN

Minister for Education and the Arts The Honourable John-Paul Langbroek

Statement from the Minister for Education regarding NAPLAN

Cyclone-impacted schools will have the option to delay the start of NAPLAN.

Instead of holding the national assessments from this week, impacted schools in South East Queensland can commence from Monday, March 17.

This provides flexibility for schools and their communities.

This decision will apply to the current 661 State schools, 183 Catholic schools, and 205 Independent schools in South East Queensland closed due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred, and any future schools impacted by this event.

Schools will communicate directly with their communities to outline their decision concerning NAPLAN.

For unaffected Queensland schools, they should continue their preparations as normal and commence on Wednesday, 12 March.

This decision was made in consultation with the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority and the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

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