Statement From Minister For Energy And Resources 18 March

VIC Premier

In an article published on the evening of 18 March 2025, The Australian has falsely claimed that EnergyAustralia, the Victorian Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) have held talks about extending the operations of Yallourn Power Station beyond 2028.

DEECA, AEMO and EnergyAustralia have confirmed that the claims are wrong.

The three agencies also confirm that no such discussions have occurred and nor have there been "rolling talks".

AEMO has not advised the Victorian Government that Yallourn would need to be extended beyond 2028, as claimed in The Australian.

Before publication, EnergyAustralia confirmed to The Australian that the plant would close in 2028.

The Australian did not contact the Victorian Government for comment prior to publication.

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