Statement From NSW Health Secretary Susan Pearce AM 14 February

NSW Health, along with all NSW Government agencies, is committed to combatting antisemitism and hate in all its forms. 
We are committed to fostering an environment of respect and inclusivity for all our staff and all those in the diverse communities we serve. 
I can reassure our communities that NSW Health provides safe, compassionate and high-quality care to all people of all backgrounds and cultures. 
NSW Health's CORE values - collaboration, openness, respect and empowerment - underpin how NSW Health staff interact with patients and each other. 
This has been a difficult week for our health service and the people of NSW, particularly our Jewish community, but the wonderful and dedicated people who work for NSW Health have continued to provide kind and compassionate care to all. 
I remain deeply proud to lead an organisation that has a workforce as diverse as the communities it serves and one which makes such a positive difference in the lives of the people in NSW in so many ways, each and every day.

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