All states and territories have signed on to a one-year Federal health agreement which will see Tasmania receive $754 million as part of the National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA) over the next financial year.
While the Tasmanian Government welcomes the additional funding, Premier Jeremy Rockliff remained concerned that the increased demand on health services was being left to states and territories– with Tasmania's Budget forced to find over $300 million in funding to meet demand.
While Tasmania pursued a five-year agreement, negotiations have failed to meet National Cabinet's agreed position of a new five-year agreement which embeds long-term, system-wide structural health reforms.
Premier Rockliff said the five-year NHRA remains a priority for Tasmania to support a more integrated, efficient and sustainable health system.
"The Tasmanian Government will continue to invest record amounts in Tasmania's health services over the next four years - which equates to $8.8 million every day," the Premier said.
"Despite the Federal Government's chronic underfunding of the health system, Tasmanians can be assured we will always step up and ensure Tasmanians get the care they need and deserve."
Tasmania will also continue to advocate for a small state adjustment to recognise the diseconomies of scale and unavoidable costs associated with being a smaller state, which was a significant issue recognised by the Federal Government.
Premier Rockliff said that pleasingly, as part of negotiations, he has secured a commitment from the Federal Government to continue to fund the Mersey Community Hospital.
"Federal funding for the Mersey was due to run out in 2027 and in the absence of a five-year agreement, I have ensured funding post 2027 will continue," the Premier said.
"I recognise that local residents have long been concerned over the Federal Government's commitment to the Mersey and this agreement will provide certainty for healthcare for years to come.
The Tasmanian Government looks forward to both the Federal Government and Federal Opposition committing to greater health funding for Tasmania at the upcoming election.