Stealing With Force - Jaycar Moonah

Approximately 5:20pm today police attended a reported Robbery at the Jaycar store in Moonah. A 19 year old man and a 19 year old woman are in custody assisting police with their enquiries.

Police allege that the pair entered the store and stole property, and that physical force was used when staff approached them. A witness then assisted and the 19 year old man is alleged to have threatened that he had a knife, although is not believed he had possession of one at the time. There were no injuries sustained by any person.

Police located the man and woman leaving the area and were safely taken into custody without incident. The stolen property was also located nearby.

Sergeant Eaves said "Tasmania Police are thankful there was a safe and quick resolution to this incident. Shop stealing remains a focus area for police and we will continue to target those offending."

Police have spoken to witnesses in the immediate area as well as obtaining CCTV footage. Investigations are continuing. Police are aware that further members of the public may have witnessed the incident and anybody able to provide further information is asked to contact police on 131 444.

Information can also be provided anonymously by calling Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or online at

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