Applications for farmers to participate in the Australian Government's $22.3 million Enhancing Remnant Vegetation Pilot are closing soon on 27 October 2021.
Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia David Littleproud said the pilot was an opportunity to reward farmers for their stewardship of the land.
"This pilot will pay farmers for projects that protect, manage and enhance remnant native vegetation on-farm," Minister Littleproud said.
"It's a market-based solution that pays farmers for their environmental stewardship of the land.
"We're putting a value on improvements to remnant native vegetation on farms. It's good for the environment, and farmers can make a buck out of it.
"The closing date for applications is coming so I encourage anyone who is eligible to get involved with the pilot.
"We're looking for projects that can provide the most biodiversity benefit for the dollar, whether they're fencing, replanting, pest control or creating wildlife corridors.
"This is a chance for farmers to get paid to drought-proof their businesses. It's a win-win."