Strategic Vision Is Revealed For Creative Parramatta

Parramatta's ambition to become the epicentre of culture and creativity is unveiled in City of Parramatta's 10-year cultural strategy, Creative Parramatta. This forward-looking approach outlines the aspirations of the community, arts and cultural sectors, as well as key opportunities to celebrate the dynamic, unique and energetic cultural life of our global City.

Following a broad engagement and consultation process, Creative Parramatta is now on public exhibition, welcoming feedback from all parts of Parramatta's diverse community.

Drawing upon the ambitions of Parramatta 2050, the draft cultural strategy identifies five key priorities that underpin the foundations of this vision. These include:

  1. First Nations First
  2. Cultural Practice and Participation
  3. Cultural Infrastructure, Precincts and Planning
  4. Education, Employment and Skills Development and
  5. Creative and Cultural Leadership.

City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Martin Zaiter said the draft strategy is an important step forward in

recognising culture as integral to the City's vibrancy.

"Our City has a proud heritage and a unique authenticity. We gain so much from the culture and creativity in our communities. Not only is it an economic driver attracting talent and investment, it also fosters social cohesion and pride in our City," Cr Zaiter said.

"I invite all members of the community to be a part of Parramatta's creative future and share their aspirations and feedback."

Creative Parramatta also promotes and drives awareness of the City as a cultural destination for Western Sydney and beyond.

Visit the Participate Parramatta website to have your say. Submissions close at 5pm on Monday 14 April 2025.

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