Work on the Byron bypass is continuing with contractors focusing on the construction of the road at the northern end of the bypass near the Butler Street Reserve.
The $24 million project is funded by the NSW Government ($20 million) and the Byron Shire Council ($4 million).
Phil Holloway, Director Infrastructure Services, said the project has all the necessary approvals required under NSW law and has also been approved by the NSW Land and Environment Court.
"Council and our contractors have to adhere to, and welcome adhering to, very strict environmental protocols on this project including pre-clearing surveys being undertaken by qualified ecologists and wildlife specialist prior to the removal of any vegetation," Mr Holloway said.
"Added to this, as part of the strict approvals from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Council will be removing 1.56 hectares of vegetation but improving and conserving an additional 44.5 hectares of similar vegetation close to Byron Bay in compensation," he said.
Council has conducted all necessary environmental assessments required to achieve project approval from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage.
Council is also responding to enquires from the Federal Department of the Environment and Energy as a result of questions from members of the public.
"Council welcomes the opportunity to provide information to the Department of the Environment and Energy as we have confidence in the rigorous nature of the original assessments and the NSW Government provisions that are in place to protect fauna, including threatened species," Mr Holloway said.