Strike Force Beaconview Charges 3 A-League Players for Betting Fraud

Three A-League players have been charged following an investigation by the Organised Crime Squad into alleged betting corruption under Strike Force Beaconview.

Strike Force Beaconview was established by State Crime Command's Organised Crime Squad Gaming Unit in December 2023, assisted by the United Kingdom Gambling Commission, to investigate alleged yellow card manipulation by players attached to a south-western Sydney football club.

Investigations revealed a senior player was allegedly taking instructions from a man – believed to be offshore in South America – to organise for yellow cards to occur during certain games in exchange for profit.

The number of yellow cards were allegedly manipulated during games played on Friday 24 November 2023 and Saturday 9 December 2023.

Failed attempts were then allegedly made to control the number of yellow cards during games on Saturday 20 April 2024 and Saturday 4 May 2024.

Following extensive inquiries, about 6am today (Friday 17 May 2024), strike force detectives – with assistance from Central Metropolitan Region Operational Support Group, Odin – executed a search warrant in South Coogee, where they arrested a 33-year-old man.

He was taken to Mascot Police Station, where he was charged with two counts of engage in conduct that corrupts a betting outcome of an event, facilitate conduct that corrupts betting outcome of event, and participate in a criminal group.

The man was granted conditional bail to appear in Downing Centre Local Court on Monday 24 June 2024.

Simultaneously, strike force detectives – with assistance from Raptor Squad, Bass Hill Region Enforcement Squad, and North West Metropolitan Operational Support Group – executed three other search warrants in Parramatta, West Hoxton, and Emu Plains.

At the Parramatta address, detectives arrested a 27-year-old man. He was taken to Parramatta Police Station, where he was charged with engage in conduct that corrupts betting outcome of event, and participate in a criminal group.

The man was granted conditional bail to appear at Downing Centre Local Court on Thursday 27 June 2024.

In West Hoxton, detectives arrested a 32-year-old man. He was taken to Campbelltown Police Station, where he was charged with engage in conduct that corrupts a betting outcome of an event and participate in a criminal group.

The man was granted conditional bail to appear in Campbelltown Local Court on Thursday 30 May 2024.

Organised Crime Squad detectives are working with the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, Sports Integrity Australia, Football Australia, Australian Professional Leagues, and the NSW Crime Commission as inquiries continue.

Anyone with information that may assist investigators is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

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