Strike Force Charges Teen With Property Crimes

A teenage boy has been charged over property offences in the state's north.

About 2.30am today (Sunday 2 March 2025), officers from the Mid North Coast Police District – as part of Strike Force Contrition - responded to reports of a person in the backyard of a home on Lawrence Street, West Kempsey.

A short time later officers arrested a 15-year-old boy on Kemp Street where he was taken to Kempsey Police Station.

Inquiries established that the teenager was allegedly in breach of a court-imposed curfew.

It will be further alleged that the teenager forced entry into a home on Pine Street, Wardell, shortly after midnight on Sunday 9 February 2025 where the occupants were asleep at the time and not disturbed.

Police will also allege that a set of car keys

were stolen and a vehicle parked outside the home was taken without the consent of the owner. The vehicle has since been recovered.

The boy was charged with seven offences:

  • · Breach of bail
  • · Enter inclosed land not prescribed premises without lawful excuse
  • · Aggravated break and enter & commit serious indictable offence-people there
  • · Aggravated break and enter with intent-in company-steal etc >$60,000
  • · Take and drive conveyance without consent of owner, and
  • · Be carried in conveyance taken without consent of owner (two counts)

He was refused bail to appear at Parramatta Childrens Court today (Sunday 2 March 2025) where he was remanded in custody to appear before a children's court on Wednesday (5 March 2025).

Investigations are ongoing.

Strike Force Contrition is an initiative of the Mid North Coast Police District targeting property related crime.

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