MidCoast Council's Stroud Waste Management Centre has received a grant of $168,457 from the NSW Government to upgrade the facility and close the landfill operations.
"From 1 July we will no longer be operating as a landfill, so cannot accept trucks and large vehicles bringing mixed general waste. This will have an impact on our commercial and business customers who will have to take this type of waste to our Taree or Gloucester landfill facility," Council's manager of Waste Services, David Rees said.
Closing the landfill operations at Stroud is an important component of the NSW Government's 'Landfill Consolidation and Environmental Improvements' grant to make environmental improvements to landfills, reduce environmental risks, and contribute to the long-term protection of the environment.
The change will not impact domestic waste customers. Households can still take their excess recycling and problem waste to the facility.
"We will still be able to accept trucks and larger vehicles wanting to dispose of recyclable materials like clean bricks/concrete, metal and green waste," added Mr. Rees.
All asbestos waste will need to be taken to either Gloucester or Taree Waste Management Centres. These centres require at least 24-hour notice for disposal and require an application to be made, which can be found on Council's website.
All domestic waste brought to the Stroud Waste Management Centre will either be recycled and sorted for transport to other facilities or taken to the recently expanded landfill at Taree.
EPA-approved problem waste like paint, batteries, electronic waste and scrap metal can still be dropped off for free.