Study Australia Experience - LATAM education project update


On 10 January, the Study Australia Experience education platform was launched by the Austrade LATAM education team in Spanish and Portuguese. The platform is dedicated to students, institutions, and education agents in Latin America and was developed to accelerate the recovery of student enrolments in Australia and lift the volume of Higher Education participation from the region.

Program highlights to date include:

  • 1 million people have viewed Australian education messaging due to a regional PR campaign
  • More than 193,0000 visitors have interacted with the platform with over 22,000 registered users
  • Over 1000 qualified leads have been provided to clients, with at least one Confirmation of Enrolment issued
  • 5853 people participated in 16 online events

Events are run almost weekly by the Austrade team and participating clients, with students and clients interacting to discuss Australia: our locations, institutions, and education system.

On 22 and 23 February, Austrade partnered with the Department of Home Affairs to deliver the event 'How to Obtain an Australian Student Visa' in Portuguese and Spanish.

This event guided 1156 students through the process of applying for a visa and recorded a 92 per cent participation rate from registrations.

About the Study Australia Experience education platform

The Study Australia Experience is a collaborative Australian education initiative with 30 participating clients including 23 universities, six VET providers, one ELICOS institution and the state of Victoria through Study Melbourne.

Focused on Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Brazil and Argentina, the platform has been effective in penetrating new locations outside major cities and strategically addressing known barriers which have inhibited student recruitment from the region in the past.

Further metrics about campaign performance can be downloaded here.

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