Stunning Weather Photos Sought Across Australia


Issued: Friday 21 March 2025

Submit your best weather photos to the Bureau of Meteorology's 2026 Australian Weather Calendar competition for the chance to be featured in the next edition.

The 2025 edition of the calendar featured an atmospheric foggy sunrise over Mornington, Western Australia, a glowing aurora australis from Squeaking Point, Tasmania and a stunning storm and rainbow combination in Nightcliff, Northern Territory.

Each year, 13 photos sent in by photographers from all corners of the country are selected by a panel of Bureau judges to feature on the calendar's cover and each month.

The calendar includes a meteorological description explaining the science behind each of the phenomena, written by the Bureau's meteorologists, beside each photo.

Senior Meteorologist Andrea Peace, one of the judges of the competition, encourages people from all corners of the country to send in their spectacular weather photos.

"The Bureau invites anyone who has taken a great weather photo anywhere in Australia to submit it for the next edition of the Australian Weather Calendar," she said.

"One of the most rewarding parts of my position at the Bureau is being involved in judging the competition and seeing all the incredible photos submitted, featuring the diverse array of weather the Bureau forecasts in Australia."

Competition entries close for judging at 5:00pm (AEDT) on 31 March 2025.

To be eligible for the calendar, photos must be original and with only minor adjustments accepted, which must be listed with the entry.

Images cannot be digitally enhanced, altered or manipulated (including via the use of filters and digital software).

The Bureau's Australian Weather Calendar is released annually, with photo entries remaining open perpetually for future editions.

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