Submit Your Name Ideas For Geelong Youth Hub

The City of Greater Geelong is calling for ideas to name the new youth hub opening in central Geelong in early 2025.

If you're 12-25 years old and live in Greater Geelong, we want to hear your ideas on what you think it should be called and why.

The hub, located at the Busport building on the corner of Gheringhap St and Transit Pl, Geelong, will be a fun, welcoming and inclusive space for young people to hang out, enjoy meals, access programs, and connect with support services.

The youth hub two-year pilot program is supported by $400,000 in funding from the Victorian Government.

After an extensive City engagement process, ideas and insights from more than 1100 local young people have helped shape the design of the new youth hub, including what services and spaces should be incorporated.

Based on these contributions, the hub will feature:

  • an open plan area for socialising and group activities, which could also be set up with spaces for gaming and quiet time;
  • a multi-purpose room suitable for a range of creative uses such as music and art;
  • a kitchen, able to host cooking classes; and
  • an accessible bathroom.

The most popular survey results showed that the community wants the space to be 'welcoming', 'comfortable', 'warm', 'colourful' and 'casual'.

Feedback also suggested that young people most want the facility to feature opportunities to learn or practice skills (such as cooking, art and music), as well as mental health support, social 'drop-in' sessions, and employment assistance.

State Member for Geelong Christine Couzens

Young people in Geelong have had input into the design of the youth hub, and the services they want it to provide; it is fitting that they get to name the place that will serve their needs.

Greater Geelong Mayor Trent Sullivan

We want a catchy name that will give the hub an identity and help attract people through the doors.

It's important that we deliver a youth hub that meets the needs and expectations of the community, so I want to thank those that have already given us great ideas and advice during the design process.

To help the design process, the City's youth development team also visited youth hubs in Richmond, Fitzroy and Footscray, and engaged with staff from multiple youth service organisations.

Submissions for name ideas close 5pm, Friday 19 July. Visit

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