Suburban Rail Loop Opens Exhibit, Info Sessions

The Suburban Rail Loop project has the potential to fundamentally alter the character and liveability of our Bayside suburbs.

The Victorian Government recently released more details around their proposed Suburban Rail Loop project, specifically the SRL East Cheltenham precinct.

The Suburban Rail Loop Authority (SRLA) is now holding a public consultation period until Tuesday 22 April.

This period allows residents to learn more about the details of the project and submit their feedback to the SRLA.

They are also holding community consultation sessions during that period:

  • 18 March, 10am-1pm - Highett Library
  • 19 March, 11am-2pm - Highett Shopping Centre
  • 22 March, 11am-2pm - Information Session, Kingston Arts Centre
  • 3 April, 6pm-7pm - Webinar (details to be confirmed)

We will be writing to all residents within the Suburban Rail Loop Cheltenham precinct to inform them about the consultation period. This is an important opportunity for residents to make their voices heard.

Provide your feedback here

Read the Bayside Mayor's statement on the SRL announcement

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