Successful Grants Recipients Celebrated

Recently, successful applicants for the latest round of the City's Community Grants gathered at the Norlane Aquatic and Recreation Centre (NARC) to celebrate the contribution they will bring to the community.

The latest round of community grants saw $4,021,732 in funding awarded to 155 applicants across nine different grants.

The grants cover a diverse range of community initiatives, including: Arts Projects, Clean Economy, Climate Change Partnerships, Community Events, Community Infrastructure, Creative Commissions, Environmental Sustainability, Geelong Heritage, and Healthy and Connected Communities.

The grants celebration evening allowed successful grant applicants to network, and for attendees to discover the breadth of community programs which will under the scheme.

The evening's entertainment was provided by grant recipient Awkwardstra Geelong, an inclusive community orchestra.

Greater Geelong Stretch Kontelj OAM

The community grants program is all about taking great ideas and turning them into reality.

It's about meeting community need and having a real impact, across a broad range of nine grant programs.

Deputy Mayor Ron Nelson

Getting so many people who make such a difference at the grassroots of our community in one room was valuable.

It was a great evening for sharing ideas and getting inspired, reminding us about how many community organisations are out there and doing incredible things.

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