Sudan-born Man Charged With 22 Visa Breaches

A Sudan-born man is expected to appear before the Melbourne Magistrates' Court today (11 March, 2025) charged with allegedly failing to comply with his visa-mandated curfew conditions.

The AFP charged the man, 33, today (11 March, 2025) after locating him in Melbourne.

It will be alleged he breached the conditions of his Commonwealth visa between 24 February, 2025, and 7 March, 2025.

The man has been charged with:

  • 11 counts of failing to comply with a curfew condition, contrary to section 76C(1) of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth); and

  • 11 counts of failing to maintain his electronic monitoring device, contrary to section 76D(1) of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth).

Each of these offences carries a maximum penalty of five years' imprisonment and a $93,900 fine.

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