NRMA Insurance
Ensuring they leave their home clean is a priority for 2 in 3 Aussies (67%), rising to 71% among women.
In comparison, fewer than half (45%) of Aussies say they prioritise preparing their home to withstand extreme weather before they go away, skipping critical measures such as clearing gutters, removing debris and tying down loose outdoor items.
Launching the latest edition of the NRMA Insurance Wild Weather Tracker, Executive General Manager Retail Claims Luke Gallagher said this is a concern given that summer is by far the most dangerous season for wild weather.
"An analysis of NRMA Insurance claims data[2] over the past five years since the 2019-20 'Black Summer' has confirmed that 42% of all wild weather claims have occurred during summer," Mr Gallagher said.
"NRMA Insurance has received a claim due to extreme weather every 4 minutes and 39 seconds during summer for the past five years, which is a 60 per cent increase on the other seasons in the year"
"Critically, a standout finding from our latest consumer research is that 11% of Australians have experienced returning from a holiday to find their home has been damaged by thunderstorms, hail, floods, wild winds or bushfire.
"The lesson here is that ensuring your home is as well-protected as possible from extreme weather damage is never more important than at this time of year."
NRMA Insurance's consumer research also found that 54% of Australians are concerned about being impacted by extreme heat this summer, while 46% are concerned about severe storms, 37% by bushfire or grassfire, 28% hail and 17% flood.
To prepare for extreme weather this summer NRMA Insurance recommends:
- Clear your gutters, downpipes and drains - Clearing your gutters regularly can help to protect your home from storm water overflow which can cause water to enter and damage your property.
- Secure loose outdoor items - Reduce the risk of strong winds damaging your property by securing outdoor furniture and items.
- Trim overhanging trees and branches around your home – Regular inspections can help prevent potential damage caused by high winds. Always be careful and get a professional to do these tasks if it's too dangerous to do it yourself.
- Clean up debris around your property – ensuring that the area around your home is clear is important in the event of severe storms and bushfires.
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