Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians
As Australians mark National Sorry Day, the Albanese Labor Government will support Stolen Generations survivors with $3.5 million for community-led healing services through the Healing Foundation.
The $3.5 million package will ensure Stolen Generations organisations are supported to deliver a range of activities such as wellbeing and cultural healing workshops, on-Country camps and, importantly, the documenting of survivors' experiences.
This investment will boost support available to Stolen Generations organisations over the next two years and will be managed through The Healing Foundation's Collective Healing Grants program.
Minister for Indigenous Australians, Linda Burney, is marking Sorry Day 2024 with a visit to Coota Girls Aboriginal Corporation's, Walking Our Healing Journey event.
Established more than a decade ago by a courageous group of Stolen Generations survivors and former residents of the Cootamundra Domestic Training Home, Coota Girls delivers survivor-led support with holistic and practical programs.
The first Sorry Day was held on May 26, 1998 one year after the Bringing them Home Report was tabled in Parliament. Sorry Day remains a significant day for all Australians to reflect on the traumatic impact of forced removals of Indigenous children from their families.
The Bringing them Home Report called for redress and this Government is delivering, with the Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme for survivors removed from their families and communities in Northern Territory, the Australian Capital Territory before self-government, or Jervis Bay Territory.
In just over two years, the Scheme has received more than 1,600 applications for redress to acknowledge the pain and trauma of being taken away from families and communities. More than 900 applicants have met eligibility.
Survivors are also taking-up the offer to receive a Personal Acknowledgement, which gives survivors the opportunity to have their story of removal - and the impact this had on their life - acknowledged.
37 Personal Acknowledgements have been delivered and a further 97 are in progress.
With applications for redress closing in February 2026, anyone who thinks they or a family member may be eligible is encouraged to contact the Scheme.
Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme:
Call: 1800 566 111